April’s Wellness Challenge: Week 1 - Starting Your Day


Our team at Footers lovingly refers to Anthony and me as Mom and Dad.  Sometimes they also call us “good cop/bad cop” but that isn’t important for the purpose of this MIBE message. What you need to know is that Mom is in charge now and I’ll be taking over the weekly messages for the month of April (and as an 8 on the enneagram, I love being in charge)! 

The MIBE mentality is knowing that small changes over time add up to big results. I am here to challenge you for the month of April with some personal wellness MIBE’s. This is meant to be approachable and achievable so everyone can participate and incorporate these activities into your daily routines. Each week I will challenge you to incorporate a new MIBE, and stack it with the previous weeks’ challenge. At the end of the month, you will feel accomplished and hopefully continue these healthy MIBE’s into the future. We are going to start easy and work our way up over the course of the next 4 weeks. Without further ado…


I LOVE coffee!!!  I don’t know about you but I go to bed dreaming about the coffee I am going to enjoy when I wake up. I love the smell, the ritual, the taste! I seriously get out of bed with excitement to have my coffee. Any trip we go on, without fail Anthony bounces out of bed at 5am to go outside for a workout or hit the hotel gym. I am the opposite of that, and sleep until he returns from his workout and brings me my morning coffee.  Fortunately, Anthony is very thoughtful and knows that is the way to my heart.

I started drinking coffee in college, so let’s say for the past 20 years I have started every morning with a caffeinated kick-start. Except that one time I tried doing a cleanse and “removing” caffeine from my diet. That was a terrible idea! I turned into a raging psycho and 2 days later decided I am meant to be caffeinated, ha ha!

Until recently, I never really thought about my morning routine as it relates to my morning coffee. Coffee is literally the first thing I drink when wake up. Anyone else guilty of this? Probably most of us, except Anthony, that man is seriously just high on life and doesn’t consume any caffeine…crazy! I know there are a few of you out there like him living the non-caffeine life, and I have no idea how you do it! Don’t worry, thisMIBE is still for you too.

After 8 hours of sleep, our bodies get dehydrated and the first thing most of us do upon waking is gulp down a cup of joe. However, starting your morning with a large glass of water, before coffee or your caffeine of choice, can make a huge difference. I have been doing this now for the past year and I have really noticed a positive impact. Starting your morning with water has great benefits; it helps replenish the loss of fluids from your sleep, improves joints, wakes up your metabolism, and helps hydrate your skin. Read more about the benefits of water.


Our first wellness MIBE challenge is to wake up and start each day with a glass of water. You can do it! I recommend 16-32 ounces. If this is new for you, just start with 16oz and work your way up to 32oz. As a bonus to super charge your water you can add the juice of ½ lemon, a little slice of fresh ginger and a pinch of high quality Himalayan or Celtic sea salt. Personally, half of the time I have plain water and half of the time I add lemon, ginger, and salt. 

Follow along on the MIBE Instagram and Facebook to share your wellness MIBE and let our community know how it is going! If this is something you already incorporate into your morning routine, please share the benefits you have experienced. I would love to hear from you and know if you are joining us in our MIBE wellness challenge?! Feel free to reply to this email or tag MIBE in your social media post so we can help keep each other accountable for the month of April.  

Stay tuned for next week when we add another challenge into the mix.

April Lambatos

The Head Honcho of Happiness — Her name is April, but call her Miss Daisy because she is driven! Or call her Disney because of her experience working at Walt Disney World Resorts. Receiving her formal training in business from the University of Florida, April then spent time at Disney where she sharpened her skills in hospitality, management, and operations. Working with April is like an amusement park ride. She’s gonna tell you if you’re too short to ride, it’s exhilarating, and you might pee a little bit. But she provides the security and fun to keep you coming back for more. Her ability to dream big, achieve results, and have fun in the process is why we call her The Head Honcho of Happiness.


April’s Wellness Challenge: Week 2 - Get Moving


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